WWE Fastlane Recap & Review

Replacing the fan favourite Elimination Chamber as February’s pay-per-view, the inaugural Fastlane had a lot to do in order to appease fans after the massive disappointment that was the Royal Rumble. Featuring a moderately anticipated match up between controversial Rumble winner Roman Reigns, and the super popular Daniel Bryan, could this new show get the WWE back on track in time for WrestleMania?

Dolph Ziggler, Erick Rowan & Ryback vs. Big Show, Kane & Seth Rollins

What Happened? Hoping to gain a measure of retribution for their mistreatment at the hands of The Authority, Ziggler, Rowan and Ryback fell short once again thanks to the superior organisation of their rival team, not to mention the invaluable assistance from J&J Security. Following the match, the group looked set to continue to hand a beating to the outspoken superstars, but the timely return of Randy Orton saved them from further punishment.

Winners: Big Show, Kane & Seth Rollins

Thoughts: More a device for Orton’s inevitable return than a match, this opening contest bizarrely neglected it’s two feature stars, Ziggler and Rollins, opting to instead focus on Kane and the Big Show for some reason. This whole storyline, a remnant from last year’s Survivor Series, has become incredibly stale, but props to it’s participants, who at least tried to get the evening off to an exciting start.


Stardust vs. Goldust

What Happened? Rejecting the Rhodes name and declaring his family “dead”, the man formerly known as Cody met his half-brother and former tag team partner Goldust, in a battle of the eccentrics. Attempting to ‘out-weird’ the other, Goldust, promising beforehand to hurt the younger Stardust, found himself unable to pull the trigger, yet still managed to pull off the victory however thanks to a sudden backslide pin.

Winner: Goldust

Thoughts: This match has been teased for years, and with news of Goldust’s impending retirement it seemed more appropriate that this feud be blown off on the WrestleMania undercard. The Rhodes brothers have always worked well together, friend or foe, but this rushed match was far from their best work. The bizarrely anti-climactic finish didn’t help either. Let’s hope the two get the chance to show us what they’re truly capable of next month.


WWE Tag Team Championship
The Usos © vs. Tyson Kidd & Cesaro

What Happened? Once considered nothing more than a makeshift tandem, the team of Tyson Kidd and Cesaro proved all naysayers wrong by defeating The Usos to become the new tag team champions. A combination of brute strength from Cesaro and technical excellence from Kidd, the two challengers overcame the furious paced offence of the former champions, demonstrating fine chemistry and a hunger to impress on-route to their upset victory.

Winners and NEW champions: Tyson Kidd & Cesaro

Thoughts: It’s starting to become a certainty these days that The Usos will deliver one of the best matches of the night, and lo and behold, they came pretty close to stealing the show once again. Credit also must go to Kidd and Cesaro. It seems only a few weeks ago that these two were destined to a future following Adam Rose to the ring. Their title victory represents one of the most dramatic career turnarounds in recent memory...and they totally deserve it after years in the wilderness.


Face to Face: Triple H Confronts Sting

What Happened? Making only his third appearance on in WWE, Sting would remain silent as Triple H laid out his options: Make money and retain his legacy as an ally of the COO, or fade back into obscurity as his enemy. Refusing the offer, ‘The Vigilante’ instead made his intentions known; a match between the two legends at WrestleMania.

Thoughts: For a program so reliant on heavy theatrics, this confrontation failed to follow the established formula...and fell a little short of expectation as a result. Here Sting had his chance to finally speak and reveal his motivation and intentions, but he didn't. No explanation whatsoever. Instead Triple H, ever reliable as a great promo artist, sold the match as a belated battle between the franchise players of WWE and WCW. It was okay. It should have been great.


Divas Championship
Nikki Bella © vs. Paige

What Happened? Out for revenge, and hoping to win back the title for a third time, Paige started strong, but soon fell foul of the champion’s new-found strength and constantly deepening moveset. The challenger would attempt to mount a comeback, but would ultimately succumb to a sneaky roll up.

Winner and STILL champion: Nikki Bella

Thoughts: The Divas division is continuing to improve, albeit very quietly. Still lacking depth yes, but the overall quality of these matches are on the rise, as is the ring presence of its current champion. It’s something that would have been unfathomable a couple of years ago, but Nikki Bella might now be one of the best female wrestlers on the roster. Paired with another highly talented woman in Paige, and still with the potential of a renewal of the Bella Twins feud, the future is looking surprisingly bright, wrestling-wise, for the Divas.


Intercontinental Championship
Bad News Barrett © vs. Dean Ambrose

What Happened? Determined to make an example of his unwanted title challenger, Bad New Barrett instead found himself falling victim to the madness of the ‘Lunatic Fringe’. Ambrose weathered the champion’s early blows, but soon lost control, repeatedly stomping his British adversary in the corner, leaving the match official with little choice but to stop the contest in Barrett’s favor. Ambrose would have the last laugh however, stealing the belt with his rival laid out in the ring.

Winner via disqualification and STILL champion: Bad News Barrett

Thoughts: For some, this title match between two of the company’s cult heroes was one of the most promising matches on the entire card, but very few can produce high quality work in just seven minutes. Again totally rushed and poorly booked with shoddy logic, these two hard-working superstars deserve much better. The Intercontinental Championship is one of the most important belts around these days with the World Heavyweight Championship no more.

The WWE would be wise to remember that, especially on a show already missing a WWE Championship contest.


The Undertaker Returns?

What happened? The familiar gong. The smoke. The return of the druids. It could have only meant one thing: The return of ‘The Deadman’. Alas this was not to be. The casket brought to ringside was revealed to contain Bray Wyatt, who laid out his intentions to become “the new face of fear” at the legendary Undertaker’s expense.

Thoughts: Toying with the audience as only a classic heel can, Wyatt didn't even need to wrestle a match to be one of the highlights of the show. Unapologetically insulting to one of the sport’s true legends, Wyatt delivered yet another high quality promo that in five short minutes, completely restored the desire to see The Undertaker compete at WrestleMania once again. Great stuff.


United States Championship
Rusev © vs. John Cena

What Happened? Facing his toughest test to date, the undefeated champion Rusev remained unblemished, forcing the challenging Cena to sleep with his devastating Accolade hold. The two hit each other with every move and punch at their disposal, but an intervention from Lana allowed the Bulgarian brute to low blow the veteran Cena before locking in the decisive submission, eventually forcing the referee to stop the match.

Winner and STILL champion: Rusev

Thoughts: Watching a young-up-and-comer square off against John Cena is one of the most nerve-wrecking things you can do. Every threat of an AA, or an STF would have surely caused anguished cries from anyone praying for a break in the norm...and it’s this very aspect that led to this match being such an enthralling one. Rusev was at his best here, living up to his monster heel billing by taking Cena to the limit. It’s just a shame that he wasn't able to win the match clean...or afforded an opportunity to debut a new finisher to take the place of the over used Accolade.


Winner faces Brock Lesnar for WWE World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania
Roman Reigns vs. Daniel Bryan

What Happened? A slow start eventually descended into chaos as Reigns and Bryan battered each other senseless, both man hoping to headline this year’s WrestleMania. Bryan with his high energy moveset was initially able to avoid the brute force of his rookie opponent, but as fatigue set in, Reigns was able to punish with some savage, MMA-esque ground and pound. Bryan mustered a comeback however, and was set to land his patented running knee for a second time...but a decisive spear out of nowhere ended his title ambitions.

Winner: Roman Reigns

Thoughts: The WWE desperately needed us to believe that Roman Reigns was worthy of the WrestleMania main event, and while the jury may still be out for most, this awesome main event effort with the always reliable Daniel Bryan demonstrated the young upstart’s potential. Sure, Bryan carried the match, but that was the reason for his inclusion in the first place. Bryan was never really going to win here, but the constant twists and turns and near falls in this back-and-forth match allowed us all to believe that there was a chance that Reigns would really fall at the final hurdle. Ultimately this showcase match didn't quite exceed expectations...but it did live up to them quite nicely.


Overall: While considerably better than last month’s Royal Rumble, the inaugural Fastlane suffered from a shockingly poor Memphis crowd, and was ultimately unable to be anything more than a slightly longer version of a standard episode of Raw. An afterthought.

Every match, bar the main event, while generally acceptable in quality, felt rushed together, with inconclusive and anti-climactic finishes. What we witnessed was nothing more than a three hour Wrestlemania commercial. The very definition of a throwaway pay-per-view. Don’t get me wrong however, it was still entertaining, particularly the redeeming later matches, but the February show was always one that was just as anticipated as the preceding Rumble...and that sadly just doesn’t seem to be the case anymore.

Moment of the Event: Bray Wyatt’s Undertaker promo. A great, theatrical heel move.
Event MVP: Rusev
Show Rating: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆

All images courtesy of WWE.com