WWE WrestleMania 31 Recap & Review

As the WWE’s flagship event, WrestleMania is essentially Christmas for pro wrestling fans. Eagerly anticipated all year round and packing some of what will be the year’s most memorable moments, the event transcends the bubble that is the ‘WWE Universe’ and becomes a happening that everyone has to witness. Now in its third decade and with the WWE attempting to create a new crop of superstars for the future, could ‘The Show of Shows’ deliver another unforgettable night?

Ladder match for the Intercontinental Championship
Bad News Barrett © vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Luke Harper vs. Stardust vs. R-Truth vs. Dean Ambrose

What Happened? The first multiple participant ladder match in five years, all seven competitors put their lives and limbs on the line as they vied to leave with the reinvigorated championship. The bodies quickly piled up and the contest intensified until only Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler remained. Previously vowing to steal the show, the two rivals threw everything at each other. Bryan however would finally prevail, repeatedly headbutting ‘The Showoff’ and claiming the prize, becoming the latest Grand Slam champion in the process.

Winner and NEW champion: Daniel Bryan

Thoughts: Always a good start for any show, this ladder match may have lacked the innovations of its predecessors, but a number of incredible (and painful) spots more than made up for that. With time limited each participant was afforded just enough time to shine and justify their spot in such a high profile match. With Bryan now as champion, let’s hope this once prestigious title is returned to its former glory; a title worth fighting for.


Seth Rollins vs. Randy Orton

What Happened? Finally getting even with his former Authority cohort, Randy Orton handed Mr. Money in the Bank, Seth Rollins his first WrestleMania defeat in emphatic fashion. Fighting off the always pesky J&J Security while avoiding most of his adversary’s weapons at the same time, the veteran Orton would eventually strike, hitting Rollins with a scintillating mid-air RKO for the count.

Winner: Randy Orton

Thoughts: A solid but largely forgettable match, Orton and Rollins’ match will in time be best remembered for its highlight reel RKO finish. Nothing against the superstars themselves; they both put in typically great performances, but everything just seemed a little slow and low-key until the hot finale. 


No Disqualification match
Sting vs. Triple H

What Happened? A debut that no-one thought they would ever see, WCW and TNA legend Sting finally wrestled not only his first match at WrestleMania, but his first WWE match period. Unfortunately for ‘The Icon’ it wasn’t to be a victorious one however. Taking full advantage of the previously unannounced no disqualification stipulation, both men called upon former NWO and DX allies respectively for much needed backup. In the middle of a throwback to The Monday Night Wars, The COO would land the decisive blow, striking Sting with his trusty sledgehammer for the victory.

Winner: Triple H

Thoughts: Probably one of the most divisive matches of the evening, the enjoyment of this match and outcome is completely down to your allegiance to either WCW or WWE. Being a little realistic would have also helped; there was no way Sting, a name synonymous with two major rival organisations would just stroll into WrestleMania and beat one of the WWE’s great servants. The inclusion of The NWO and DX was a nice touch, and very wisely distracted us from what was in all actuality a disappointingly slow, bland match.


AJ Lee & Paige vs. The Bella Twins

What Happened? Putting aside their differences to tackle the dominant twin tangent, Paige and AJ Lee overcame the isolation tactics and massively improved wrestling of The Bella Twins. Wrapping Nikki in the dreaded Black Widow submission, AJ quickly forced the tap to secure an impressive comeback victory.

Winners: AJ Lee & Paige

Thoughts: If the rumors are true we could be soon seeing some considerable improvements to the long-stagnant women’s division. Unfortunately this was probably not the best way to kick off the #GiveDivasAChance era. Rushed and poorly booked with an ending that has just been seen too many times now, these women are capable of so much more. The WWE seem to recognise the need to push the division in the wake of rave reviews for the women’s matches in NXT, so here’s to hoping we get change sooner rather than later.


United States Championship
Rusev © vs. John Cena

What Happened? Almost a repeat of the classic Rocky/Ivan scenes from Rocky IV, John Cena survived the onslaught of his Russian representing rival, eventually handing the now former champion Rusev his first ever pinfall defeat in WWE. Rusev started strong, successfully landing several punishing kicks and slams, but the tide turned once Cena broke his Accolade submission. Taking advantage of an inadvertent interference from Lana, Cena hoisted ‘The Bulgarian Brute’ in the air for the match ending Attitude Adjustment.

Winner and NEW champion: John Cena

Thoughts: Rusev may have won the battle of best entrance, but that wasn’t enough to prevent him from losing his first match. In reality we all know Cena was destined for victory; he simply doesn’t lose these matches. Not yet anyway. Another solid but uninspired match, the bout’s ending left a lot to be desired with Cena only needing a single AA to defeat a man who has looked unstoppable for over a year. WWE seems to still have a lot of faith in the former champion so let’s hope this first defeat doesn’t completely remove Rusev’s hard earned main event aura.


The Rock & Ronda Rousey confront The Authority

What Happened? Announcing a record setting Levi’s Stadium attendance of 76,976, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon’s gloating was soon interrupted by the surprise return of The Rock. Unwilling to let him ruin their moment, Stephanie quickly forced the 8-time WWE champion from the ring, but The Rock soon found the perfect ally in undefeated UFC superstar Ronda Rousey. Threatening to take McMahon’s arm and even judo tossing ‘The Game’ from the ring, ‘Rowdy’ and The Rock successfully put an end to the power couple’s evening.

Thoughts: Awkwardly paced with too many pauses, the segment did eventually pick up considerably with the introduction of Ronda Rousey; undoubtedly the most famous sportswoman on the plant today. UFC/WWE crossovers are incredibly rare, but with a track record of making headlines every time, it was wise of UFC president Dana White to allow Rousey’s participation. A cool sight to witness, but it felt forced and probably won’t stand the test of time as a result.


Bray Wyatt vs. The Undertaker

What Happened? Not seen since his crushing defeat at last year’s event, The Undertaker returned to both WrestleMania and the win column, dismissing Bray Wyatt’s claims that he is the new face of fear. Surviving his young opponent’s powerful slams and punishing blows, the legendary ‘Phenom’ might wear the scars of over two decades of in-ring wars, but proved that he still has some gas left in the tank, delivering multiple Tombstone Piledrivers for the 3 count.

Winner: The Undertaker

Thoughts: Probably the right decision from a booking standpoint, The Undertaker’s victory over Wyatt represented more than anything the company’s determination to preserve Lesnar’s shock victory from last year. 'Taker looked much better than he did back then. Fleshed out better and moving around much more ably than his last outing. It was a relief to see my favourite wrestler looking healthy again. Thankfully able to wrestle after reports suggested that he had suffered a serious ankle injury, Bray Wyatt’s usual theatrics and brute force complemented ‘The Deadman’ perfectly, but despite their attempts the match never really popped. It was entertaining, it was competantly delivered, but it just didn’t stand out as a memorable encounter.


WWE World Heavyweight Championship
Brock Lesnar © vs. Roman Reigns

What Happened? A clash of a dominant champion and a hungry challenger, Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns both walked into WrestleMania hoping to leave with the biggest prize in the game. Seth Rollins ruined that however as he sensationally cashed in his Money in the Bank contract midway through the match to capture the gold. Prior to the stunning finale, Lesnar was in the midst of a main event mauling, mercilessly beating Reigns with multiple suplexes, F5’s and vicious blows.

Reigns eventually mustered a comeback, busting the former champion up and landing a slew of superman punches and spears, but Rollins would ultimately capitalise on the carnage, hitting his former Shield stablemate with a curb stomp for the victory that few were willing to bet on.

Winner and NEW champion: Seth Rollins

Thoughts: Wow. Holy wow. What a moment. If Vince McMahon planned this from the start he might just be one of the smartest people on the planet. Only a week ago this match was the least anticipated match on the card. Hell even the Divas match was more anticipated. Rollins’ shocking win represents the perfect result for the WWE; Lesnar wasn’t pinned and dominated the match right until the end, maintaining his star power, Reigns fought back valiantly in the face of his toughest challenge, allowing him to look relevant as he builds to another title shot down the line, and Rollins maintains his villainous persona with the perfect show stealing, heartbreaking cash in. Edge may have been the ultimate opportunist, but not even he had the audacity to do what Rollins did here. One of the best WrestleMania endings ever.


Overall: A solid, but largely average show, all of WrestleMania 31’s matches and segments delivered, but to me just lacked the secret, special ‘Mania ingredient. The event almost entirely taking place in the bright San Francisco sunshine was hard to adjust to and might have taken away some of the show's usual luster...and definitely hurt the atmosphere for the Sting/Triple H and Wyatt/Undertaker matches. The evening’s defining moment came in the dying minutes of the show. Seth Rollins’ unprecedented cash in was an unbelievably risky piece of booking, but it paid off wonderfully and was easily the best moment of the night. Also fulfilling the company’s secondary objectives for the evening, Daniel Bryan and John Cena’s title victories will hopefully succeed in restoring the Intercontinental and US titles back to prominence.

All in all a good, almost great night for professional wrestling’s premier organisation, a night in which they suggested that their future might be a bright one after all.

Moment of the Event: Seth Rollins’ cash-in to capture the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Stunning.
Event MVP: Seth Rollins
Show Rating: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆

What did you think of WrestleMania 31? Leave your comments below!

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All images courtesy of WWE.com