Predicting WWE Royal Rumble

For the first time since 1992 the WWE’s top title will be on the line in the Royal Rumble match. Vowing to make Roman Reigns’ life miserable following his World Heavyweight title triumph last month, the vengeful McMahon family have stacked the odds against the champion who’ll be guaranteed a long and tough night as he defends against 29 hungry challengers. Will Reigns pull off the unthinkable and leave Orlando still the champion? What else can we expect from the latest instalment of the WWE’s first show of the year?

United States Championship
Alberto Del Rio © vs. Kalisto

Tag team superstars often struggle on their own but Kalisto might be an exception to the rule. The high-flying superstar hasn’t just found new levels of success since Sin Cara’s unfortunate injury, he actually defeated Alberto Del Rio to claim the United States title. His reign might have been sickeningly short, but Kalisto’s sudden push should give hope to his fellow lower-mid card superstars. Despite the shock defeat a couple of weeks ago Del Rio still remains one of the WWE’s top middle-tier talents, and will likely maintain his championship status in this rubber match. Del Rio to retain, but Kalisto’s performance in defeat should be an interesting indicator of what the promotion might have in store for him.

Prediction: Alberto Del Rio

Tag Team Championship
The New Day © vs. The Usos

It feels like a match that we’ve seen time and time again, but amazingly this will be the first time these two teams have competed in a traditional tag team match on pay-per-view. As of writing The New Day have just passed 200 combined days as tag team champions, but their reign still feels young thanks to the trio remaining highly entertaining with just about everyone they’ve worked with. The Usos endured a torrid first half of last year but performances in recent months have helped remind us of why they should be considered one of the best teams in recent WWE history. It’s been long time since the twin tandem held gold, but I think their long wait will continue here. This match could be the first a WrestleMania-bound feud so I’d expect The New Day to retain thanks to some classic Woods-inspired shenanigans.

Prediction: The New Day

Divas Championship
Charlotte © vs. Becky Lynch

Things aren’t looking great for the women’s division right now. Sasha Banks, Paige and Nikki Bella are all currently nursing injuries and might be doubtful for most, if not all of the build for WrestleMania. It’s not all terrible however as we still have these two ultra-talented Divas left to keep things ticking by. Becky Lynch hasn’t yet been able to fully demonstrate her considerable talent on the main roster, but this title showdown with former fellow NXT competitor is the best shot at getting over to date. I remain adamant that Charlotte’s current direction is wrong, but that hasn’t stopped the daughter of the legendary Ric Flair from delivering a number of excellent performances as champion. Still early in her run with the strap I’d be extremely surprised if Charlotte dropped the title here. Lynch will give the champion a stern test, coming out to the more uneducated fans in the process, but Charlotte should keep the title.

Prediction: Charlotte

Last Man Standing match for the Intercontinental Championship
Dean Ambrose © vs. Kevin Owens

Ambrose and Owens’ rivalry until this point has been pretty underwhelming, but that could change with a great showing in this feud-concluding Last Man Standing match. I honestly feel WWE missed a trick by not saving Ambrose’s title victory from last month’s Tables, Ladders and Chairs event for here. With the win Ambrose improved to two consecutive victories over his rival, and there are very rarely any comebacks from that. Kevin Owens has the potential to be one of the WWE’s biggest and best heels in 2016, but he’ll likely start his campaign with another losing effort. This feud has been all about Ambrose’s determination and ability to withstand inhuman levels of punishment before pulling out the victory. Don’t expect anything to change here.

Prediction: Dean Ambrose

30-Man Royal Rumble Match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship

For two years in a row the WWE failed miserably with one of their top matches, but that could all finally change here. The build for this year’s match has definitely been a little bumpy, but rumors and speculation regarding recent talent acquisition, backstage politics and potential superstar returns have all helped ramp up the anticipation to a level that we haven’t experienced in quite some time.

Despite all the obstacles laid before him Roman Reigns will be the favourite to win the match. Like him or not (And I’m not a fan) Reigns is here to stay and he’ll only continue to transition into a larger role as John Cena slowly fades into retirement. Entering the Rumble as the champion and winning is definitely something that you’d expect the WWE to do to cement someone as a top, dominant superstar.

The only issue with Reigns at the moment however is the fact that he’s yet to experience a crowning, ‘come out’ moment at the biggest show of the year. Triple H winning the match would allow Reigns the opportunity to revert back to the role of chaser before overcoming his rival in this year’s WrestleMania main event. It’s not really ideal, but it feels like the WWE have been heading in this direction for quite some time. Reigns will survive all the way until the end before the COO enters at number 30 to dump the champion over the top rope and kick off the ‘Road to WrestleMania’.

Prediction: Triple H

WWE Predictions - Final Score for 2015: 58-30

What do you think will happen at WWE Royal Rumble? Leave your predictions in the comments section below!

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