WWE Money in the Bank Recap & Review

A fan favourite event that's always guaranteed surprises, this year’s Money in the Bank show featured the continuation of several acclaimed rivalries, and the return of the always-entertaining ladder match of the same name. With the summer period now in full swing did the typically hot Money in the Bank maintain the WWE’s current run of good form, despite only being afforded a short window to build its card?

Money in the Bank Ladder match
Randy Orton vs. Neville vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Sheamus vs. Roman Reigns vs. Kane

What Happened? Riding a wave of renewed momentum thanks to his new attitude, Sheamus added the Money in the Bank contract to his deep list of accolades after a predictably gruelling battle. Capitalising on Bray Wyatt’s shocking interference and attack on match favourite Roman Reigns, ‘The Celtic Warrior’ grabbed the briefcase after finally dispatching impressive newcomer Neville with repeated blows atop the ladder. Also putting in impressive turns, Randy Orton and Kofi Kingston found success with much of their offense, but ultimately it was all in vain as the Irishman left with the potentially career-altering prize.

Winner: Sheamus

Thoughts: Just what this match type needed; a throwback to the simple and superior Money in the Bank ladders matches of old. Recent instalments have seen creative scramble to find new and inventive ways to use the eponymous foreign object, and this pressure has resulted in a number of awkward and implausible spots. The winner of this match was almost assured in Roman Reigns, so it’s strange to see the contract given to Sheamus; a performer who stood to lose nothing in defeat. Reigns is obviously still being primed for big things, but it’s nice to see the ‘E slow down his ascent slightly. A pleasantly subdued Money in the Bank ladder match featuring an even blend of violence, risk-taking and story-building.


Divas Championship
Nikki Bella © vs. Paige

What Happened? Resorting once again to their tried-and-tested switching tricks, Nikki and Brie successfully conspired to retain the title...but it very nearly backfired. On the wrong end of an inspired comeback from her English challenger, Nikki abandoned her original power move offense and instead resorted to underhanded tactics, but Brie was immediately defeated upon her sneaky insertion. Sadly for Paige however a referee blunder allowed for the twins to regroup, with Nikki landing her Rack Attack for the decisive count.

Winner and STILL champion: Nikki Bella

Thoughts: Nikki Bella’s improvement has been one of the more significant stories of 2015. Once an unrealistic performer, the twin superstar has transformed her body and moveset, and is now completely believable as a dominant champion. Unfortunately however the lack of build continues to hurt her matches, and another silly finish damaged it further still. Obviously the Divas aren’t the focal point of the show, unlike their NXT counterparts, but that really shouldn’t stop producers from instaling even the most basic of storylines into these brief matches.


Intercontinental Championship
Ryback © vs. Big Show

What Happened? What should have been a triumphant first title defense quickly turned sour for Ryback as The Miz’s unwanted attack on the Big Show cost him the match. Experiencing initial success with his arsenal of blunt-force offense, ‘The Big Guy’ soon found himself having to contend with the interference of the former WWE champion, a distraction that allowed the WWE’s resident giant an opportunity to land a knockout punch. The move wasn’t to be decisive however, as The Miz quickly jumped into the ring, prompting the official to call a premature halt to the bout.

Winner by DQ: Big Show - Ryback retains the title

Thoughts: Ryback has been waiting for years to hold a title in WWE, so I’m guessing he probably wasn’t too thrilled when he discovered that The Miz would be stealing his well-earned spotlight. A bizarre booking, one that killed a fairly promising match dead in its tracks. The special/pay-per-view platform is the wrong place for these kind of matches/segments, something the WWE has failed to realise after all these years.


Kevin Owens vs. John Cena

What Happened? John Cena may have finally overcome his newest enemy, but Kevin Owens had the last laugh...literally. Another epic war, Cena reached deep into his repertoire as he desperately sought to even the score, but the dangerous NXT champion remained resilient and survived some of Cena’s most effective weapons. Growing frustrated with his inability to defeat his rival, the 15-time world champion persisted, eventually securing the win after a third Attitude Adjustment. Having earned his respect, Cena offered the defeated Owens his hand, but the gesture was met with a brutal post-match assault, culminating in a devastating powerbomb to the ring apron.

Winner: John Cena

Thoughts: What the last match lacked, this one made up for...and then some. Their initial match two weeks ago at Elimination Chamber stole the show, and this didn't disappoint either despite the result. Creative are an odd bunch; unable to book the simplest of things and yet they've managed to nail Kevin Owens' introduction and instant main event status. Owens is a monster, and now thanks to Cena’s fantastic performance everyone knows it. Cena often gets criticised for his appearance, gimmick (or lack of) and ridiculous win/loss record, but his performance here was sublime, and his reaction to Owens’ resistance put the NXT champion over alone. Cena may have gotten the nod (much to my dismay), but it’s becoming more and more apparent that the ‘Face of the WWE’ is slowly transitioning to help build tomorrow’s stars.


Tag Team Championship
The New Day (Xavier Woods & Big E) vs. The Prime Time Players

What Happened? Following Kofi Kingston’s failure to capture the Money in the Bank contract, The New Day’s evening got even worse as they meekly surrendered their tag team titles to the resurgent Prime Time Players. Starting strong, Woods and Big E focused their attack on Darren Young but the momentum soon shifted as Titus O’Neil found himself tagged into the match. Running through his opposition, the powerhouse O’Neil soon secured a new championship reign for his team after hitting Woods with his signature sitout spinebuster.

Winner and NEW champions: The Prime Time Players

Thoughts: A surprise, something that seldom happens when watching WWE these days, but definitely not a welcome one. The New Day were riding a wave of momentum that was held in place due to their championship status, but now without this the team could be in trouble. A flat, generic match, the outcome caught everyone off guard, resulting in a reaction that can best be summed up as ‘Really??’. Title changes should be far more meaningful. Let’s hope this is all part of a larger plan to further establish the trio’s new heelish attitude. Don’t hold your breath though.


Ladder Match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship
Seth Rollins © vs. Dean Ambrose

What Happened? Following months of assistance from his Authority compatriots, Seth Rollins finally found himself all alone for his latest battle with nemesis Dean Ambrose. A rousing pre-match pep talk from mentor Triple H clearly inspired the champion however as he successfully overcame his rival, albeit again in controversial fashion. From start to end the two former Shield stablemates battered each other across the arena, utilising any and every weapon they could grasp to incapacitate the other. A crushing chair shot to Ambrose’s leg gave Rollins the advantage he needed, an opening that the champion gleefully exploited for the remainder of the match. Ambrose refused to quit however, driving Rollins to resort to new levels of depravity. ‘The Lunatic Fringe’ was valiant in his efforts, but he ultimately came up short as fortune once again favoured the champion.

Winner and STILL champion: Seth Rollins

Thoughts: Another month, another Rollins/Ambrose cracker. The pace may have been a little off, and the match may have lacked a marquee spot, but these two once again put on a memorable clinic. Without the aid of The Authority, Seth Rollins finally looked plausible as champion as he utilised a combination of cunning and ruthlessness to pick up the win. Ambrose was never going to win here, but looked ridiculously strong and now figures to remain as one of the company’s top new attractions despite the defeat. The ending once again damaged the overall score of the match, but credit to the writers for at least trying something new. It wasn’t a perfect match, but it was a suitably violent end to this feud...for the time being at least.


Overall: Good, but still far from great, Money in the Bank will definitely go down as one of the year’s better shows, but numerous logic issues and an inconsistent level of quality continue to spoil enjoyment for the more insightful fans. There is reason to be optimistic however as new feuds and unexpected outcomes have taken the summer road on a different path than expected. In an era where almost everything can be correctly predicted, it’s nice to be kept on our toes for a change.

Moment of the Event: Rollins powerbombs Ambrose onto a chair-covered ladder on the outside of the ring. Nasty.
Event MVP: Seth Rollins
Show Rating: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆

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All images courtesy of WWE.com