WWE Elimination Chamber Review

Free to subscribers of its fledgling Network, the short-notice return of the Elimination Chamber event was the first show of its kind in WWE history. Following the surprising success of Payback, the show continued a number of ongoing summer rivalries. With the fan-favourite Money in the Bank pay-per-view two weeks away, it was unlikely that the show would feature too many developments, but its potential to be a solid show was apparent. Did Elimination Chamber deliver?

+ Shock Owens Shock

Now that’s how to handle talent from NXT. The exception to the rule that development superstars are mistreated on their main roster debuts, Kevin Owens stepped up in the best way possible. Not only did he help deliver an exceptional, show-stealing match with John Cena, he beat the face of the WWE...clean. That’s huge. You can literally count on your hand the number of times that has happened. Despite his larger frame, Owens is an extremely competent performer, both in the ring and on the mic, and while he’ll never be the guy to replace the seemingly ageless Cena, his victory has instantly elevated him to the upper echelons of the promotion.

+ A Changing of the Guard

Kevin Owens wasn’t the only NXT alumni making a huge splash at Elimination Chamber. With the exception of the Intercontinental championship chamber match, the card featured at least one former developmental superstar in every match, and this was great to see. With a rise in new talent, and the descoping of certain ring veterans, the landscape of the WWE is quickly changing to better accommodate the next generation of performers. Let’s hope that these new faces are also equipped with equally fresh stories to tell.

+ Reviving the Rollins/Ambrose Feud

One of 2014’s most acclaimed feuds has returned, and despite the constant slew of dusty finishes and interference-heavy matches, it’s a rivalry that has been welcomed back by almost everyone. Arguably the company’s two hottest stars right now, Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose have fantastic chemistry together, and despite their many matches they continue to find new ways to entertain the audience. The finish definitely left a lot to be desired obviously, but it’s still left everyone hungry for more. The epitome of an excellent rivalry.

+ A Deserving Champion

The downfall of Ryback has been well chronicled. Back in 2012 the superstar was one of the biggest attractions in the industry, but a number of booking catastrophes caused ‘The Big Guy’s’ star to dim considerably. It would have been easier to quit, but he persevered, and in 2015 has managed to recover a degree of the luster he once had. His victory to capture the Intercontinental championship wasn’t memorable in the slightest, but the surprising decision to put the strap on Ryback is a excellent one. He might not be the best wrestler on the roster, but the hard work that this superstar has put in over the years cannot be denied.

- Logic

When watching professional wrestling we’re often told to ‘check our brains at the door’, or ‘suspend our disbelief’. This was probably fine back in the day, but this is 2015; this is the so-called ‘Reality Era’. In actual fact the ‘Reality Era’ is anything but, and Elimination Chamber will probably go down as one of the most confusing shows in the organisation’s history. Letting a team of three participate in a two-man tornado tag team match? Doesn’t make sense. Not having the Divas allies in their respective corner? Doesn’t make sense. Having R-Truth pin the recently crowned King of the Ring, Bad News Barrett? Definitely doesn’t make sense. Having an unconscious referee reverse the main event result? Give me a break. Elimination Chamber featured some excellent matches, but the vast majority of these were ruined by inexplicable booking decisions. Unfortunately a common occurrence in today’s WWE.

- Elimination Chamber Matches

Once upon a time the Elimination Chamber was one of the WWE’s top marquee matches, a gimmick that was reserved for the company’s top stars, usually fighting for the biggest prize in the sport. Jump forward to present day and things couldn’t be more different. Kudos to the WWE; they did something different and finally booked a tag team chamber match, something long dreamed by fantasy bookers, but unfortunately the match was overstuffed and undercooked. Not a terrible match, but definitely one that could have been improved considerably with a couple of minor tweaks. The Intercontinental championship chamber match however was a disaster. Slow, muddled and featuring the random return of a bench-warmer (I’ll get to this), the match completely failed to live up to expectations.

- Mark Henry

Originally scheduled to compete (and probably win) the chamber match, Rusev was forced to withdraw due to an unfortunate foot fracture. With a large number of superstars left off the card, the possibilities were almost endless as to who ‘The Bulgarian Brute’s’ replacement could be. This made the inclusion of the 43-year old Mark Henry even more incredulous. Inexplicably inserted, Henry took the place of a superstar that could have done so, so much more with the spot. This year has thus far been dominated by the WWE’s infuriating pushes of the likes of Kane, R-Truth and the Big Show. It appears that we can now add Henry to that list as well.

- Wasted and Mizused Superstars

Elimination Chamber’s lack of star-power was painfully noticeable. No appearances from Randy Orton, Bray Wyatt and Roman Reigns relegated to a short appearance at the end. For Wyatt and Reigns in particular the lack of exposure at the moment is worrying. Considered to be two future headlining superstars, the two need to be inserted into as many shows as possible in order to get them over. Even if the match is a throwaway squash. That’s not a typo above by the way; The Miz was featured in a pre-show segment where he squabbled with Daniel Bryan, and then got punked by Curtis Axel and Damien Sandow. The Miz is one of the finest heel talkers in the company; it pains me to see him used so poorly.

Overall: Anticipated and labelled as an excellent gift to the WWE Universe, Elimination Chamber squandered its potential in epic fashion. The Owens/Cena match stands out as a true highlight, one of the best matches of the year, but the WWE really needs to work on evening out the quality across the entire show. The event might have been a gift to the fans, but not everyone enjoys a freebie.

Full Results and Ratings:

Elimination Chamber match for the WWE Tag Team Championship
The New Day © def The Prime Time Players, Tyson Kidd & Cesaro, The Lucha Dragons, Los Matadores & The Ascension to retain the titles


Triple Threat match for the Divas Championship
Nikki Bella © def Naomi & Paige to retain the title


Kevin Owens def John Cena


Neville def Bo Dallas


Elimination Chamber match for the vacant Intercontinental Championship
Ryback def Sheamus, Mark Henry, R-Truth, King Barrett, Dolph Ziggler


WWE World Heavyweight Championship
Dean Ambrose def Seth Rollins © via disqualification - Rollins retains the title


Event Rating: ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆

What did you think of WWE Elimination Chamber? Leave your comments and analysis below!

All images courtesy of WWE.com